QR Superstar - Mobile Marketing

What Is QR ?

QR stands for Quick Read. QR Codes look like this :

You may have noticed them popping up on products and posters.You need a SmartPhone to scan it. You will also need to download free software. Scan the code above. It will take you to this site on your mobile device.

Now, imagine a QR code imprinted on the label of your on- shelf products. Customers can go directly to your mobile site, learn about your product and the story behind it, receive a coupon or other incentive , and perhaps buy it right off the shelf.

Why Do Your In - Store Products Need QR?

Your company already has a website. Your website is your 24/7 sales and marketing center. However, in the store, people do not commonly shop with their laptops and IPads. Most savvy consumers do carry SmartPhones ( near 100% in some areas) and they are starting to use them to shop.

POP - Point of Purchase decisions account for 35 to 50 % of packaged goods puchases. A quickly reachable informative QR mini site, loaded with incentives - will put your brand ahead of the competition. While online shopping increases yearly - over 90% of shopping is still done in actual stores !

Most QR Codes lead directly to a company's main website - most of which are too large and extensive to be effective on a small screen. QR SuperStar creates customized sites ready to help you increase sales - in the USA and Worldwide.
